Monday, February 28, 2011

Short Stories!

Well, I took the twins to their ballet class a couple of weeks ago. I was caught up in the rush of getting them dressed, getting there hair fixed, and keeping an eye on my oldest daughter and her friend when suddlenly the lights go out in the lobby of the ballet studio. About twenty parents and myself stand in the dark for about twenty seconds and I am thinking to myself what kind of place are they running here. When the lights come back on I turn the corner to see Megan playing with the light switch. What kind of luck is this, out of all these kids mine would be the ones that are turning off the lights?

Christmas before last Santa Claus brought Haley a B.B. gun. Well, we road my gator over to the pond one day last summer and was planning on shooting some ballons I had ready. Everything started out great, I tied the ballons to a plastic tent stake and placed it out in the middle of a big field. Everyone was taking turns and Haley was even getting pretty good at popping her own ballons. Well, Jodi was helping Morgan and if I might say that Morgan was not doing very well at hitting the ballon. So while they kept trying to pop one Haley, Megan and myself went for a walk around the pond but I did not even make it half way around before I heard Jodi scream and hit the ground. You could imagine my shock to return and find part of her front tooth had been shot out with the B.B. gun.

Every year now in school they have a Dr. Seuss week. One day during this week the kids all dress up as Dr. Seuss characters. I could not think of anything better to describe my three girls as what they dressed up as. My sweet little Haley dressed up as Cindy Lou Who and my twins well can you say Thing 1 and Thing 2! My little Morgan Glory so much wants to be a ballerina though as you can probably tell from her picture.

This goes back about three years to when Haley was five yearsold. I found Haley and her little friend in our chicken coop with a beer. They really thought that they was big stuff. I though to myself how in the world did they get it open and when I asked they informed me "silly dad I used my sister" so apparently they made Megan open it with her teeth.


  1. I love all your stories, but thank you so much for sharing the story about my tooth. :( You neglected to say that it was actually 2 teeth and they were fixed within 3 days!!!

  2. nice blog! i made one too. im trying to get mine noticed too
