Friday, April 15, 2011

Haley playing spring softball!

This blog is dedicated to a debate that I have been having with Jodi. It really burns me up when I have dedicated so much time to working with Haley to make her the best ball player to be informed by Jodi that she thinks that she should start wearing a face mask. I take pride in having a kid that plays in her age group at the level of abilities which are probably close to the top of the league. Haley has been playing pitcher's mound for the las couple of games and Jodi is afraid that she will get hurt because the other night she was hit in the face by a ground ball that went up her glove. My thoughts on this is that there is not a player in this league that can really hit the ball hard enough to worry about her getting hurt bad, i think she has a good enough glove that she can handle any player in the league. If a kid plays baseball or softball they are going to eventually get hit but i can not justify placing Full body gear on her and sending her out onto the field so that i can watch her make error after error due the fact she can not see what is going on. I guess everyone knows where i stand on this so i am asking you as my followers what you think about this!

1 comment:

  1. As a follower I would love to let you know what I think! She is a wonderful ball player. Speaking from experience even the best of players can get whacked in the face. And yes usually you live but it does hurt!

    Times have changed Michael. People are buckling up their children, putting on bike helmets, and yes playing ball wearing face masks.

    I am sure the masks have their cons to. To some point I know the mask might affect her sight, I know I tried it on, but the pros definitely outweigh the cons.

    Everyone that knows me knows that I am not an extremist mom. We ride fourwheelers in the rode, we don't always buckle(just going to moms), and I do agree that at this point unless she is on the mound there is no since in wearing the mask, because she will have plenty of time to react and catch the ball.

    And by the way it really "burned" me up the other night when she got hit and u said I made her an emotional wreck by running on the field. I know how tough she is and u were right that she was only crying b/c everyone ran to her side, but the tears began before I hit the field.
    I love you Michael and I know you are just old school, but on this one I am right!!!!!!!!!!!
