Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Family Reunion!

Last summer my father-in-law put in a in-ground swimming pool. Well my girls pretty much turned into mermaids. The incident that stands out most though was when my In-laws were hosting a family reunion at their house. My girls loved the pool and that day we did not take their swimsuits because all of my wife's family was going to be there and swimming was not among the activities on the list of things to do. We had been there probably about thirty minutes and both of the twins had been asking if they could get in so I told them they could go out and walk around the pool. I was setting on the back porch watching them out the window as they walked around the front side of the pool. I turned my head for about thirty seconds and I guess this was the break that Morgan had been waiting on because I hear one of Jodi's great aunts start screaming "she's taking off her clothes". Before I can get off the couch we are witnessing two miraculous events, one is a perfect cannon ball and two, is a full moon in the middle of the day. Which by now you should no that Jodi's whole family is on the back porch watching the drama unwind. Have you ever noticed when things are not going right that everyone seems to want to stop what they are doing and watch, well anyway by now I have made it out to the pool and I am yelling at Morgan to get her butt out of the pool and put her clothes back on. Megan could not take this kind of excitement, she begins stripping down on the other side of the pool. Now I got one in the pool naked , one across the pool only seconds away from being naked and about ten of my in-laws standing inside starring out the window to see what was going to happen next. Well you know what I did next, started stripping down myself (just kidding), I did what any smart Dad would do, I called for their Mother. Jodi arrived and between the both of us we were able to fish two little naked mermaids out of the pool. I got a feeling that this was a reunion that none of the family will forget and I am still debating on if I should take my kids back this year.

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