Monday, February 7, 2011

Twins Pre-school Graduation!

I will have to say that Haley has always been the picture perfect image of a well behaved, role model daughter. This makes me wonder what happened with my twins, Megan & Morgan. Just kidding they are great also but they always seem to be more out-spoken as to where Haley has always been shy. Let me say that at Haley's pre-school graduation Jodi & I set in the crowd watching proudly as she stood up there on the stage singing her songs magnificantly with the rest of the class. Well I guess by now you are probably thinking that this was not the case at the twins graduation and you would be right. As to where Haley was on the end of the stage and was singing her songs and being very well behaved the twins walked out on stage and was in the center. As there graduation begin I could tell that they were enjoying this performance probably more than any other kid in their class. Morgan was singing loud and proud, she has always been the little song bird of the family. Do not even get me started on Megan, she was singing at the top of her lungs while putting on dance moves that was captivating the audience. I could tell that by the end of the first song that Megan was really feeding off of the audiences' reaction to her performance. By the time they had made it about half-way through the second song i could tell that Morgan was becoming aggitated with Megan still her spot light so she decided to step up her game. Next thing i know Morgan starts flashing her dress up and down, I am about to pass out and wanting to just stand up and yell quit Morgan, well I guess Megan thought that was pretty kool because then she started in on the flash show. What do you do in a moment like this, I'll tell you what you do, crawl down in your seat and pray they stop! By the time they got to the last song my girls were really standing out and by saying standing out I mean they were no longer in line with the rest of there class they decided that they would be the lead singers and made there way to the front of the stage. With them now out at the edge of the stage putting on a performance that will live on in pre-school graduation history I could just picture what was going to happen next. Stage dive, well they did not stage dive but they would have fit in very well at a Aerosmith concert or something to that calibur. After they finished their performance I had people lining up to tell me how much they enjoyed the show and that I should put my girls in acting classes, what can I say except I guess they were meant to be entertainers. Jodi and I were very proud of them and look forward to the upcoming Kindergarden Graduation!

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