Saturday, February 5, 2011

Trip to the doctor for pre-school shots!

When my twins were three we took them to the doctor to have the flu shot. Everything went very well and by this I mean that Megan only cried a few tears and all Morgan said was ouch as she watched them stick the needle in. Well after this day something dramatically changed in my twins behavior towards getting a shot! Well, Jodi, my wife took them back for their preschool shots a few months later and the fight was on! Jodi was holding Megan in the doctor's office preparing for the shots. Megan was not taking this very well at all as she was screaming at the top of her lungs and did not have any intention of getting the shots while Morgan waited nervously watching as her sister screamed for help. I guess this must have set Morgan off because she run up behind the nurse and jumped on the back of her leg and then sunk her teeth into the nurse. Now the shoe was on the other foot as the nurse was now screaming for help instead of Megan! Jodi, not believing what she was seeing, released Megan so that she could go to the aid of the nurse. But once Jodi released Megan i guess Morgan was waiting for this chance because they both escaped out the door and begin there getaway, as they run down the hallway of the Doctor's office. With Jodi and the nurse in hot pursuit i guess the twins figured that there best chance of escape was to find a place to hide so they ducked into another room and dove underneath a table. As Jodi and the nurse was chasing them down the hallway the nurse was calling for backup. Now the showdown was about to begin, the twins hiding under a table in a new room with Jodi and six nurses staring them down. I guess they figured that their best chance of survival at this point was to become one because there was a bar that run underneath the table and they were going to use that bar to there advantage and make there last stand. They wrapped their arms around each others necks with all there might as the fury of an unbelieving mother and six nurses rained down on them. Form both sides of the tables the women paired up in groups of twos and started trying to pry the small but furious twins apart. Finally the task was complete and as two nurses held Megan the other nurse give her the shots and as Jodi and one nurse held down Morgan the other nurse gave her the shot almost simultaneously. Jodi said that as they exited the room to leave that she noticed all work in the doctor's office had come to a halt and everyone was standing in the hallway with jaws dropped as the walked past. As they exited from the office area back through the waiting room Jodi said that all the patients waiting was staring also but the one that stood out the most was a little boy about the twins size who's eyes was about the size of quarters because i do not think he knew if what he had heard taking place was about to happen to him or not! At this doctor's office my twins are now legends, i bet that all the nurses that were there that day now think when they have a bad day that at least those twins are not here now and everything probably does not seem as bad as it did. The doctor actually told my wife a few months later that that was actually her most favorite thing that has ever happened there but, i bet that group of nurse would not say the same thing (especially the one that got bit).

1 comment:

  1. Very true factual event. The part that he left out however is that afterwards, the twins refused to leave with me. They hated me worse than all the nurses. Morgan actually said on the ride home that she would rather die & go to Jesus than to ever do that again!!!- Jodi(mother of the furious 4)
