Friday, April 15, 2011

Haley playing spring softball!

This blog is dedicated to a debate that I have been having with Jodi. It really burns me up when I have dedicated so much time to working with Haley to make her the best ball player to be informed by Jodi that she thinks that she should start wearing a face mask. I take pride in having a kid that plays in her age group at the level of abilities which are probably close to the top of the league. Haley has been playing pitcher's mound for the las couple of games and Jodi is afraid that she will get hurt because the other night she was hit in the face by a ground ball that went up her glove. My thoughts on this is that there is not a player in this league that can really hit the ball hard enough to worry about her getting hurt bad, i think she has a good enough glove that she can handle any player in the league. If a kid plays baseball or softball they are going to eventually get hit but i can not justify placing Full body gear on her and sending her out onto the field so that i can watch her make error after error due the fact she can not see what is going on. I guess everyone knows where i stand on this so i am asking you as my followers what you think about this!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Short Stories!

Well, I took the twins to their ballet class a couple of weeks ago. I was caught up in the rush of getting them dressed, getting there hair fixed, and keeping an eye on my oldest daughter and her friend when suddlenly the lights go out in the lobby of the ballet studio. About twenty parents and myself stand in the dark for about twenty seconds and I am thinking to myself what kind of place are they running here. When the lights come back on I turn the corner to see Megan playing with the light switch. What kind of luck is this, out of all these kids mine would be the ones that are turning off the lights?

Christmas before last Santa Claus brought Haley a B.B. gun. Well, we road my gator over to the pond one day last summer and was planning on shooting some ballons I had ready. Everything started out great, I tied the ballons to a plastic tent stake and placed it out in the middle of a big field. Everyone was taking turns and Haley was even getting pretty good at popping her own ballons. Well, Jodi was helping Morgan and if I might say that Morgan was not doing very well at hitting the ballon. So while they kept trying to pop one Haley, Megan and myself went for a walk around the pond but I did not even make it half way around before I heard Jodi scream and hit the ground. You could imagine my shock to return and find part of her front tooth had been shot out with the B.B. gun.

Every year now in school they have a Dr. Seuss week. One day during this week the kids all dress up as Dr. Seuss characters. I could not think of anything better to describe my three girls as what they dressed up as. My sweet little Haley dressed up as Cindy Lou Who and my twins well can you say Thing 1 and Thing 2! My little Morgan Glory so much wants to be a ballerina though as you can probably tell from her picture.

This goes back about three years to when Haley was five yearsold. I found Haley and her little friend in our chicken coop with a beer. They really thought that they was big stuff. I though to myself how in the world did they get it open and when I asked they informed me "silly dad I used my sister" so apparently they made Megan open it with her teeth.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Family Reunion!

Last summer my father-in-law put in a in-ground swimming pool. Well my girls pretty much turned into mermaids. The incident that stands out most though was when my In-laws were hosting a family reunion at their house. My girls loved the pool and that day we did not take their swimsuits because all of my wife's family was going to be there and swimming was not among the activities on the list of things to do. We had been there probably about thirty minutes and both of the twins had been asking if they could get in so I told them they could go out and walk around the pool. I was setting on the back porch watching them out the window as they walked around the front side of the pool. I turned my head for about thirty seconds and I guess this was the break that Morgan had been waiting on because I hear one of Jodi's great aunts start screaming "she's taking off her clothes". Before I can get off the couch we are witnessing two miraculous events, one is a perfect cannon ball and two, is a full moon in the middle of the day. Which by now you should no that Jodi's whole family is on the back porch watching the drama unwind. Have you ever noticed when things are not going right that everyone seems to want to stop what they are doing and watch, well anyway by now I have made it out to the pool and I am yelling at Morgan to get her butt out of the pool and put her clothes back on. Megan could not take this kind of excitement, she begins stripping down on the other side of the pool. Now I got one in the pool naked , one across the pool only seconds away from being naked and about ten of my in-laws standing inside starring out the window to see what was going to happen next. Well you know what I did next, started stripping down myself (just kidding), I did what any smart Dad would do, I called for their Mother. Jodi arrived and between the both of us we were able to fish two little naked mermaids out of the pool. I got a feeling that this was a reunion that none of the family will forget and I am still debating on if I should take my kids back this year.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Famous Quotes!

Anyone that has kids or that has been around kids should know that one thing you can expect is that you may never know what they will say next. This is just some short examples of some of the situations I have faced so far with what my girls can come up with.

We were walking across the parking lot at Wal-Mart and seen a boy from the twins class who they both calim to be there boyfriend. Megan yells out at the top of her lungs "Hey turd head". The little boy looks in our direction and then turns back around picking up his pace towards the store.

I was giving my girls a bath and Morgan informed me that Haley had kicked her in the "Weiner Dog". How do you explain to a five year-old that one, she does not have a Weiner Dog and two, you should not talk about that?

Jodi and Haley were shoe shopping for college and Haley wanted Jodi to get a pair of three inch black high-heels but she told her that she wanted a pair of boots. Haley tells Jodi "Mom you worry about books and I worry about looks".

Haley, Morgan and myself were standing outside the shower house at a campground, we were playing a game of I-Spy. Suddenly a nice little elderly lady makes her way up and Haley lets out with "I spy something old" when Morgan pointed I grabbed both of them up and took off trying to explain why it is not nice to talk about someone.

We were riding in the van and Megan was playing pretend with her little girls when I heard one of the little girls tell the other one "I'm going to woop your ask".  Haley immediately informed me that Megan had said a bad word and spelled it out for me ASK. This one time I did not correct her spelling.

I look forward to every day not knowing what challenges to expect or what will be thrown at me next by my little angels. I just hope that the first words of my baby (Summer) is not Weiner Dog!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Florida Vacation 2010 Runaway Dinosaur!

This past year my family and I went to Fort Pickens on vacation in Florida. Fort Pickens has a RV campground on the beach which we stayed at with my In-laws. Picture this, two weeks in a camper with three girls, a wife, a mother-in-law, a father-in-law, and a brother-in-law. I can see your impressions now this has all the combinations for some Fun-in-the-sun. Well the trip started off great, all the girls were loving the beach but there was one problem. The beach was about a half-mile walk from the campground. On about the third day into the trip we were enjoying a morning at the beach but i think we may have stayed a little to long because the temperature was probably in the 100's and while we were walking back Haley found a cactus on the trail, she said "Dad what is this" and I told her. Next thing I know I look back and she is holding the cactus in her hand screaming. She was careful not to touch the lagre prickles but what she did not realize was that the real danger lies in the millions of small prickles that are not even hardly visible to the human eye. Now the real trouble starts, the twins have already been begging me to carry them back, I am feeling like I could literally melt from the sun beaming down on me and now Haley is about to pass out. Since Jodi is about seven months pregnant i guess asking her to carry Haley is out of the question. I throw Haley over my shoulder and continue on through the sand and endless heat. We arrive at the camper and everyone is relieved to be back but while i am spraying Haley off with the water hose she passes out and hits the ground. After a few minutes she is back to normal and everyone is relieved. Needless to say we did not walk to the beach anymore, instead we started driving to the beach down the road and this spot even had a lifeguard on duty. Well a copule days later we was at the beach and we had been cautiously watching the schools of stingrays that were swimming by occasionally while the girls and me were playing on a large inflatable dinosaur. I had put the dinosaur back on the beach and was out in the water with the twins and Jodi when I looked back to see Haley coming back from the beach trying to carry the dinosaur. The waves knocked him out of her hands and the wind had caught it, now the dinosaur is floating out into the shark infested waters, Jodi is yelling at me to go after it, Haley is crying, I am chasing the dinosaur, crowd on beach is watching the excitement with looks of horror on their face, 80 year-old man tries to aid in capture of dinosaur, Jodi is yelling at me some more, I am yelling back at Jodi "Do you really want me to die", by now the dinosaur has got to be about 80 yards out in the ocean, old man tells me he is sorry he could not get it but it was going to fast, all three of my girls are now on beach crying for their dinosaur, suddenly from the Life-Guard tower comes a young life guard carrying about a 10 foot surfboard, he starts paddling out after the dinosaur which is now about 150 yard out and gaining ground fast, Jodi is still yelling at me, I told the kids to wave good-bye to the dinosaur and nice life guard because they would probaly not be back. Well he caught up to the dinosaur only about 250 yards out, (good news) Jodi is no longer yelling at me because now she is not talking to me at all, all three girls have finally quit crying, but to make me feel even worse some looney man meets the life guard about half way up the beach and started carrying the dinosaur, as they walked up to me, the crazy man begins telling the story of the sea-monster (our dinosaur) he saw swimming by him, now everyone is praising the life guard as a hero, I am forced (by the crazy guy) to have a picture of the girls, myself , the life guard, and of course the sea-monster to be taken beside the life guard tower. The lesson I learned from this is to never take your dinosaur to the beach if he is not on a leash!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Twins Pre-school Graduation!

I will have to say that Haley has always been the picture perfect image of a well behaved, role model daughter. This makes me wonder what happened with my twins, Megan & Morgan. Just kidding they are great also but they always seem to be more out-spoken as to where Haley has always been shy. Let me say that at Haley's pre-school graduation Jodi & I set in the crowd watching proudly as she stood up there on the stage singing her songs magnificantly with the rest of the class. Well I guess by now you are probably thinking that this was not the case at the twins graduation and you would be right. As to where Haley was on the end of the stage and was singing her songs and being very well behaved the twins walked out on stage and was in the center. As there graduation begin I could tell that they were enjoying this performance probably more than any other kid in their class. Morgan was singing loud and proud, she has always been the little song bird of the family. Do not even get me started on Megan, she was singing at the top of her lungs while putting on dance moves that was captivating the audience. I could tell that by the end of the first song that Megan was really feeding off of the audiences' reaction to her performance. By the time they had made it about half-way through the second song i could tell that Morgan was becoming aggitated with Megan still her spot light so she decided to step up her game. Next thing i know Morgan starts flashing her dress up and down, I am about to pass out and wanting to just stand up and yell quit Morgan, well I guess Megan thought that was pretty kool because then she started in on the flash show. What do you do in a moment like this, I'll tell you what you do, crawl down in your seat and pray they stop! By the time they got to the last song my girls were really standing out and by saying standing out I mean they were no longer in line with the rest of there class they decided that they would be the lead singers and made there way to the front of the stage. With them now out at the edge of the stage putting on a performance that will live on in pre-school graduation history I could just picture what was going to happen next. Stage dive, well they did not stage dive but they would have fit in very well at a Aerosmith concert or something to that calibur. After they finished their performance I had people lining up to tell me how much they enjoyed the show and that I should put my girls in acting classes, what can I say except I guess they were meant to be entertainers. Jodi and I were very proud of them and look forward to the upcoming Kindergarden Graduation!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Trip to the doctor for pre-school shots!

When my twins were three we took them to the doctor to have the flu shot. Everything went very well and by this I mean that Megan only cried a few tears and all Morgan said was ouch as she watched them stick the needle in. Well after this day something dramatically changed in my twins behavior towards getting a shot! Well, Jodi, my wife took them back for their preschool shots a few months later and the fight was on! Jodi was holding Megan in the doctor's office preparing for the shots. Megan was not taking this very well at all as she was screaming at the top of her lungs and did not have any intention of getting the shots while Morgan waited nervously watching as her sister screamed for help. I guess this must have set Morgan off because she run up behind the nurse and jumped on the back of her leg and then sunk her teeth into the nurse. Now the shoe was on the other foot as the nurse was now screaming for help instead of Megan! Jodi, not believing what she was seeing, released Megan so that she could go to the aid of the nurse. But once Jodi released Megan i guess Morgan was waiting for this chance because they both escaped out the door and begin there getaway, as they run down the hallway of the Doctor's office. With Jodi and the nurse in hot pursuit i guess the twins figured that there best chance of escape was to find a place to hide so they ducked into another room and dove underneath a table. As Jodi and the nurse was chasing them down the hallway the nurse was calling for backup. Now the showdown was about to begin, the twins hiding under a table in a new room with Jodi and six nurses staring them down. I guess they figured that their best chance of survival at this point was to become one because there was a bar that run underneath the table and they were going to use that bar to there advantage and make there last stand. They wrapped their arms around each others necks with all there might as the fury of an unbelieving mother and six nurses rained down on them. Form both sides of the tables the women paired up in groups of twos and started trying to pry the small but furious twins apart. Finally the task was complete and as two nurses held Megan the other nurse give her the shots and as Jodi and one nurse held down Morgan the other nurse gave her the shot almost simultaneously. Jodi said that as they exited the room to leave that she noticed all work in the doctor's office had come to a halt and everyone was standing in the hallway with jaws dropped as the walked past. As they exited from the office area back through the waiting room Jodi said that all the patients waiting was staring also but the one that stood out the most was a little boy about the twins size who's eyes was about the size of quarters because i do not think he knew if what he had heard taking place was about to happen to him or not! At this doctor's office my twins are now legends, i bet that all the nurses that were there that day now think when they have a bad day that at least those twins are not here now and everything probably does not seem as bad as it did. The doctor actually told my wife a few months later that that was actually her most favorite thing that has ever happened there but, i bet that group of nurse would not say the same thing (especially the one that got bit).

Friday, February 4, 2011

My girls!

Hi, my name is Michael. I am a 29 yearold father who, with my wife is trying to raise four daugthers. Haley is eight, she plays softball and loves gymnastics. Also, i have twins which are five, Megan & Morgan are currently doing ballet and girl scouts oh and by the way did i say that they are both crazy over boys. And my newest edition to the family is Summer who has just turned six months.

My goal here is to share some of the challenges i face on a daily basis and to see if you would handle the situations as well as my self. There is never a dull moment in my life. I look forward to whatever my ladies will come up with next. All i can say is hold on tight because the adventures are about to begin!